Friday, January 8, 2010

ScatterPoints: December/Early January

With the exception of my year-end and decade-end lists, I haven't had the time to blog about much of anything in the past month. But just because I wasn't writing about music, doesn't mean I wasn't listening to and buying music like my life depended on it. So here are some quick reviews of some of the jamz I've been into lately. There were a few more albums that I have but haven't been able to give a critical listen to, but as soon as I do, I'll post up some reviews.,


Miike Snow - Miike Snow
Rating: 79/100

The debut album from this indie production trio is easy to digest and has some real moments of true electro-pop genius, but lacks the depth and substance that often separates good albums from great albums.

High Point Tracks: "Animal", "Sylvia", "Cult Logic"

Lady Gaga - The Fame Monster
Rating: 81/100

One of the more refreshing pop albums I've heard in recent years and while it isn't particularly long, Lady Gaga proves that 34 minutes of intelligent, diverse & flawlessly executed pop is all you need to solidify your place at the top of the genre.

High Point Track: "Bad Romance", "Telephone"

Digitalism - Idealism
Rating: 80/100

The best and worst part of Idealism is it's similarity to other, more impressive electro-duos like Daft Punk and Justice, and though Digitalism has a competent grasp on the genre, there is little new ground explored here.

High Point Tracks: "The Pulse", "Jupiter Room", "Zdarlight"

Passion Pit - Chunk of Change EP
Rating: 77/100

While the bands debut LP was my favorite album of 2009, the Chunk of Change EP lacks the energy and polish of Manners; it is however, redeemed by the appearance of the always incredible "Sleepyhead".

High Point Tracks: "Sleepyhead", "I've Got Your Number"

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Rating: 86/100

Somehow TPOBPAH was able to take the worn out sound of fuzzy 90's low-fi indie and make it sound current, which is truly a testament to the band's songwriting prowess and aesthetic finesse.

High Point Track: "Young Adult Friction", "Everything With You"

Neon Indian - Psychic Chasms
Rating: 88/100

Psychic Chasms is a weird, dancey, drug-induced trip that reveals more of its character with every listen; the end result is one of the most strange, interesting and fun albums of the year.

High Point Track: "Deadbeat Summer", "I Should Have Taken Acid With You", "Psychic Chasms"

The Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
Rating: 90/100

This album is a bizarre combination of Zeppelin style guitar rock, indie freak folk and avant-guard pop, and when it comes together the result is so immensely satisfying that I am left wondering how no one else thought to make an album like this before now.

High Point Track: "Stillness Is The Move", "Temecula Sunrise", "Useful Chamber"

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