Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Life Is 100% Full of Everything That Isn't Blogging

...and it hurts my soul. Heres the deal: I'm super busy. I love writing about music and sharing all the cool new stuff I find with you folks. Unfortunately, I lack the free time to write anything of actual length. I'm just writing this to let you know that MidPoints is alive!!! That doesn't change the fact that I don't have much free time, but as a peace offering I give you a series of one sentance reviews of recent music I've come across. It's mostly new stuff, but I think I might start reviewing old tunes I get my paws on. I'll try to post at least one little recap per week from now on, but no promises.


Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon: The End of Day
Rating: 76/100
A fun, refreshing take on modern hip-hop that fails to reach it's full potential despite a number of truly phenomenal stand-out tracks.
High Point Track: "Alive (Nightmare) ft. Ratatat"

Simian Mobile Disco - Temporary Pleasures
Rating: 72/100
Less imaginative and epic than its predecessor, Temporary Pleasures is a very solid, very fun, rather top-heavy album that relies a little too much on it's guest list despite featuring one of my favorite songs of the year.
High Point Track: "Audacity of Huge"

Pearl Jam - Backspacer
Rating: 81/100
If you've ever liked Pearl Jam, odds are you will still like Pearl Jam's latest batch of surprisingly mature and up beat alt rock jams.
High Point Track: "The Fixer"

Muse - The Resistance
Rating: 78/100
Ambitious, flawed, polished and epic in proportions, The Resistance continues Muse's upward climb on the ladder of rock with some of their best (and most boring) songs to date.
High Point Track: "Undisclosed Desires"

U2 - No Line On The Horizon
Rating: 83/100
Edge's guitars keep sounding better and Bono's lyrics keep getting cheesier, but none the less, over 30 years into their career, the biggest rock band in the world proves they can still rock though they sound their best when they don't venture to far from the formula (shiny guitars + soaring vocals) that got them to the top.
High Point Track: "Magnificent"

PS Check out the new Album Rating side-bar thingy -------->>>>

1 comment:

Batemark said...

It's good to see MidPoints is back. Keep it comin'!