Well isn't this is a MidPoints dream come true. Someone decided to put the four dudes I seem to blog the most about on one insanely hot track. It's just shy of 6 minutes long, giving plenty of time for all four of these guys to do their thing and do it right. Drakegrassi sings the hook and gives us the lead off verse about how awesome he is and how quickly he got to where he is. Not particularly original, but still fun to listen to. But after the three other guys get their shot at a verse, Eminem flat out kills it. Drizzy, Yeezy and Weezy might be good at what they do, but this track reminds us that they all pale in comparison to Em's lyrical and flowdacious prowess. I mean he threatens to literally eat your face. What more could you want?
Download this ish.
Thanks again to my buddy Kia for the tip.
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