Lil Wayne with DJ Drama. just released his first mixtape since the release of Tha Carter III. I'll be real honest, I was not impressed by Dedication 3 at all. I thought it relied to heavily on other rappers and not enough on Lil Wayne himself. My first impression was actually that the skits where Weezy just talks were the best parts of the mixtape. Luckily, I took the time to go back and listen again. I was wrong. Dedication 3 is great. It takes about five tracks to really hit it's stride, but once it does it's smooth sailing for the rest of the album. The skits get funnier. The beats/samples get better. DJ Drama continues to refer to himself as "Barack Odrama". Wayne goes crazier. He say's it best himself:
"You get money and you get crazy. I get crazy and I get money."
Download it for free here.
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